Cast: 2025
In alphabetical order
Crew: 2025
In alphabetical order
Gill Baxter
Gill has always been a great support to the players, but usually from a distance! Tempting her to help out on the bar on show nights is easy, but tempting her further into the GTP fold has been more of a challenge! But this year, she has thrown caution to the wind and has fully committed to be play a key part in the crew. We are very pleased to have her on the team!
Jeff Alexander
Jeff has been a member of the Players crew for more years than he cares to remember. More recently, he has been tempted out from the wing and has joined the cast on the stage. This year Jeff has chosen to return exclusively to the wings where he oversees the props and set changes together with Jane Judd.
Lynn Bird
Lynn joined the Green Tye Players back in 2006 as a member of the cast. After a few years on the stage, Lynn moved into the essential role of GTP Box Office contact! In more recent years, Lynn has continued as a crew member with the Players and now provides the cast with support behind the scenes on show nights, keeping them in order and helping them know when to head to the stage!